Saturday, December 10, 2011

Update - Writing New Music and New Trance Release

Hey Everyone,

I know it has been a while, so here's a little something from me.

I'm currently working on a project - which I've been for a while now - and that is writing music for my live set. For the upcoming months, I plan to rearrange some old songs and compose a lot of new ones. In the end, my live set should have well over two hours of solid music. So in turn, I've decided to put off playing live for a little while until I have all of the music done. I will be performing a lot more often when the time comes, which may be early to mid next year.

Meanwhile, please check out a couple of my new songs that are now posted on my YouTube channel. One is called, "Spirit of Nature", and the other is called, "Serenity":

I'm also currently wrapping up an uplifting trance release, "Soaring Skyward" (working title), for 2012 that will have 4 tracks: (1) Intro Mix; (2) Original Mix; (3) Orchestral Mix; (4) Club Mix. It will feature a wonderful melody from a dream I had late 2010 blown into a full cinematic orchestration. The label is yet to be determined, so I hope to post a portion of the Intro mix shortly.

This is truly an exciting time. I plan to have more updates when things get rolling again or will post if something happens between now and then.

Thanks for sticking around and I will have more soon.
